Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Takbir raya

29th September 2008, for most of us its the 1st time celebrating hari raya without our families ='(. But we still managed to memeriahkan (HAYYY) suasana hari raya di perth, scotland ini dengan bertakbir & melanggar2 rumah senior (walaupun durg masih lagi betiduran wooot). Heres some pics from my camera, enjoy.

ruggged cheeese
getting ready untuk bertakbir
ayu, zai & nins
alven, icky, muriel, bos, wanio
aces 25 & aces 26
peace wohoo
3 stooges nda bilin haha
eyui, zai, wani
manith eee
but still cant top this one haha

Monday, September 29, 2008

Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri

Selamat Menyambut ketibaan syawal everyone..
Mohon Maaf Zahir & Batin
Halal kan makan minuman ku..


Friday, September 26, 2008

Electrical FUNdamental

Our 1st time doing electrical fundamental practical in AST's new hangar wohoo

malik n ham sedang FOKAS xcept for si wani haha
yui & bos
ali & nins
sufre ali me
w/ Karen & Sam tharbaiiine
ultraman, charlie's angel & kungfu panda woot
test driving teh heli right haha
fantastic 4
aces26; ali missing

another failed attempt for some cough*wani*cough (1..) O:)

& heres some cover songs dari aces26 dudes, enjoy! cya le'ah!


Ayu's Bday (21.09.08)...spyda gal...

sorry lmbt upload/update hahaha

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


HAAAAYYY orang disana?... apa kabar abiskita?woooooooooo masih lagi testuck dalam telinga sisa2 cotton bud ah? Cuba suruh urg tiup sebalah telinga mu mnatau teplanting? heee HEBAT~~~~
*berdiri clap hand kepala giling2*

Monday, September 22, 2008


i miss u all too!!!!!!

nothing much to say...

love you all (aces26) !!!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

damn sonn!!

heya guys.
its my first post here..
talking about "studying technique"
heres how we Aces 26 roll in class..

im introducing you guys this super-power stimulant drink
this can keep u guys wide awake..
yeaa right ham!

stimulant drink!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Ktani buleh tu!

Study Technique and Revision Tips.

you go boy! HAHAHA xp

Tips & Techniques
  • The odd hour here and there isn't enough. Make a revision plan you can stick to, with a daily outline that includes times for breaks and meals.
  • Know your strong and weak subjects and mix them up on your timetable, don't do all the nightmare topics at once.
  • Set targets that you know you can reach and tick them off as you accomplish them.
  • You will need help at some point, ask parents, siblings, teachers and friends for support.
  • Find somewhere quiet to revise. You could also try working with other people but, if you can't concentrate, save get-togethers for breaks from the books.
  • Put your exams into perspective, they are only one aspect of life.

don't do this.

Seven Rules Of Revision

  1. Make your own revision notes. You'll learn as you write and, once you've got them, you're halfway there.
  2. Be brief. Check the syllabus or ask a teacher to make sure you've got the key areas sussed.
  3. Concentrating on the plus points of revision helps keep you going. Start by thinking how much easier you'll find the exams.
  4. Don't overdo it. Your concentration lapses after a couple of hours, so take regular breaks.
  5. Experiment with different revision techniques. VARIETY BEATS BOREDOM!
  6. Focus. Don't make pointless notes. Look at past exam papers and see how questions could be asked.
  7. GET CONFIDENT. If you're positive about exams, you should take in more information and remember it when it counts.

Bearing in mind that the average intelligent adult can concentrate (at best) for about half an hour at a time, you should try to organise your study time into short blocks. At the end of each block you could either take a brief break (5 minutes) or simply change activities. It is quite a good idea to alternate between 2 (or even 3) subjects so that your interest level is maintained.

During the break you could do something physical, make a cup of coffee, make someone else a cup of coffee (steady now!), …. 'phone a friend (for a few minutes - not half the night!). Although it may sound a strange idea, you should try to ensure that you enjoy learning. Set yourself sensible amounts. Reward yourself for achieving your targets. Quit while you're winning. (Don't grind yourself into the ground labouring over something you don't understand - but finish on a "high", having achieved something satisfying.)

Aku Tauuuu. (y)

Monday, September 15, 2008

Dundee ver.khalid

Aces26's 1st trip to dundee. siuk bui! holiday woot..enjoy teh pics

Primark, kadai harapan haha
look at them eager faces hahaha
shoppers in action
bersama mannequin
kamu bulih tu
marung jua bro

penguin nda bilin
tu nyangku nda bilin woot
aii maniss
nins, ayu, bus, amarel
wanio & jaidah